Marked for Life Myanmarã¢â‚¬â„¢s Chin Women and Their Facial Tattoos Review

Marked for Life

Laytu Chin woman Ma Hla Oo with a spider-web like tattoo that spans over her entire face. The Laytu live in Western Myanmar.

A facial tattoo is similar a permanent mask that can tin exist carried through life — and into the afterlife, for ancestors to recognise one of their ain. The Southern Chin in Myanmar might have followed such a believe. Pictured: Ma Hla Oo, a Laytu Chin woman from Western Rakhine. Copyright 2005 by Jens Uwe Parkitny

Historically, there is no evidence existent up until today, that any of the kings ruling in the territory of today's Myanmar has systematically raided Chin villages in the plains or in the mountains.

The youngest Chin woman with a traditional facial tattoo ever portrayed. Her name is Ma Khin Htay. She was 17 at the time and tattooed when she was 12 years erstwhile, in the year 2000. Copyright 2005 by Jens Uwe Parkitny

All cultures, that practiced or still practice facial tattooing in i form or the other, perceive information technology equally "cute", as "dazzler enhancing" and "status elevating" rather than "defacing".

A portrait of a Matu Chin women with her groups visual signature tattooed all over her face: dots, that look like freckles.

Ma Sheng Tang of the Matu Chin has the visual signature of her group tattooed on her face up: dots, that cover the entire visage, and that wait like freckles. Copywright 2005 by Jens Uwe Parkitny

Traditional female facial tattoo of the Mün Chin, a group that dwells in Kanpelet and Mindat township in Southern Chin Land, Myanmar. Copywright 2005 past Jens Uwe Parkitny

Facial markings and other body modifications in tribal societies are literally "Marks for Life" that assist a particular group to stick together, to office orderly and to survive in harsh environments.

Already more than than 200 years ago, the pregnant and purpose of the facial tattooing was non a knowledge that was preserved among the Mentum.

Most probably the commencement know delineation of a Chin women with a full facial tattoo (shut-upwards view). Created on November ix, 1795, and published by Michael Symes in 1800 (An Business relationship of an Embassy to the kingdom of Ava, London: W.Bulmer and Co., 1800).

Sunghtu Mentum elderberry Daw Lana with two of her one thousand children. She is 1 of the very few Sunghtu women however alive with a traditional facial tattoo that distinguishes her group from other Southern Chin groups in Myanmar. Copywright 2005 past Jens Uwe Parkitny

Forehead and cheeks are tattooed commencement. Pricking the part effectually the rima oris comes next. The eyelids are done at final and it is a very delicate piece of work that requires utmost concentration and adroitness.

Female Laytu Chin Tattoo Master from Taung Gyi village in Western Rakhine, together with her two daughters.

Female Laytu Chin tattoo master from Taung Gyi hamlet in Western Rakhine, together with her two teenager daughters. Whereas the mother still bears the traditional tattoo marks of her group, her daughters bear none. Copywright 2005 past Jens Uwe Parkitny

Laytu Chin woman Daw Cue Ma Oo's face is adorned by a very beautiful and complex tattoo pattern, expressing group identity.

Laytu Chin woman Daw Cue Ma Oo has one of the well-nigh beautiful and circuitous facial tattoo patterns that tin be institute amidst the different Chin groups in Western Rakhine, Myanmar. Copyright 2005 by Jens Uwe Parkitny


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